Place an Order

I won’t lie–cookies take a LONG time! To cover ingredients, cookie cutters, and my time, I typically charge around $2 each depending on the intricacy level.  An extra charge is applied for cookie “favors”, which are placed individually in clear bags and tied with a bow.  Of course, shipping charges apply as well for long distance orders.

While these are my general pricing guidelines, every order is unique! Please contact me at to discuss cookie questions, design ideas, and pricing.

**During the school year, it is a little tougher for me to get home to my kitchen, so please let me know at least three weeks in advance if you would like to place an order!


  1. Nela Wiacek says:

    I spoke today with your dad and he told me about your cookies. I would like to order 18 cookies for my son’s 18th B-day. He is going to be a freshman at Miami University in Ohio. I thought that maybe you can make 9 with their logo” M” and 9 with their mascot Red hawks You can see them both at the school website. Let me know if this is possible and if you have any questions. Also, his B-day is next Friday 6/28 and your dad offered that he will bring them to work. Let me know how much this is going to cost.
    Thank you,

  2. Andrea burns says:

    I am interested in christmas cookies and retirement party cookies (golf themed) for christmas and the week after.

    I am also interested in some pumpkin pie sets for thanksgiving.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

  3. Jo-Ann Wollman says:

    Hi Colleen,
    Any chance you do cookies in the shape of turkeys for Thanksgiving? If not, no big deal but on the chance you do, I would love to order 10.

    Thanks so much. I hope all is well with you and your family!
    Mrs. Wollman

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